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Biomimicry: when the living world inspires buildings
What is biomimicry? biomimicry offers keys to enlarge field of possibiliities in building design..

Energy and buildings: from energy-hungry to passive
In a world where energy demand from buildings accounts for almost 40% of total energy consumption and contributes around 30% of global CO2 emissions, the issue of energy efficiency in buildings has become crucial.

Green building: stop the greenwashing
How are those involved in urban design taking ownership of the greening of buildings – greenwashing or a genuine environmental approach?

The right material, into the right place
How to set up the right material into the right place in a building ? When it comes to building, the choice of materials is of vital importance in terms of strength, durability, and energy efficiency.

Off-site construction: child’s play
The rise of off-site construction is shaking the real estate sector, offering a promising alternative to traditional methods.

In pursuit of lost buildable land
Limiting the artificialization of land, or even making it a sanctuary in order to preserve biodiversity or practise agriculture, is leading to the adoption of new urbanisation models capable of responding to the new dynamics of society.

Buildings as vectors of urban resilience
In an ever-changing world, where environmental and climate issues take center stage, the question of buildings as vectors of urban resilience has become an emerging priority for those involved in urban design.

Sustainable water management approach to renovation
A number of innovative approaches have emerged to optimize water use, including grey water recycling, rainwater reuse and good urban water management practices.

Building without technology
Welcome to a world where building design is moving away from cutting-edge technology and embracing a low-tech approach to construction.

Urban density: Me neither, I love you
The debate between living in the city and living in the country is eternal.
And it is intimately linked to the question of human and built density… The search for a calmer, more intimate environment comes from a need for more space and more proximity to nature.

Architectural and energy diagnosis: instructions for use
The objective of the architectural diagnosis is to detail the visible deteriorations and pathologies and to define the orientation of the energy work scenarios and the points of vigilance to be had.

AI: towards construction without human intelligence ?
Artificial intelligence (AI) raises many questions and a growing curiosity to be at the centre of attention at the moment with the ChatGPT phenomenon.

Soberness, thriftiness, neutrality… Decoding the trendy words among city and real estate players.
In this article, we have tried to decode the trendy words: frugality, sobriety, neutrality. What do they mean?

Ode to renovation
In this article, which the tonality is an ode to renovation, we will try to explain the benefits of rehabilitation and transformation of the built heritage.

PropTech & ConTech: which are the innovative companies of city and real estate ?
Imagining the city of tomorrow means thinking about the entire production cycle of urban and real estate spaces. Each phase has its own set of stakeholders and specialists.

Which synergies between urban planning, architecture and real estate ?
Which synergies between urban planning, architecture and real estate to reduce the environmental impact of cities and buildings ?

Domolis is on Linkedin !
Follow our Linkedin page to stay tuned on the latest developments about city and real estate world, to follow the progress of projects and missions, and to discover innovative companies partners of Domolis. Good navigation !

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It is dedicated to deciphering the world of cities, under the prism of architecture, urbanism and real estate.You will see stories about cities, urban travel stories. You can even share your impressions !