Architectural and energy diagnosis: instructions for use
The objective of the architectural diagnosis is to detail the visible deteriorations and pathologies and to define the orientation of the energy work scenarios and the points of vigilance to be had.

What does it involve?
Assisting the client in defining his needs and collecting the data required for the project (plans and documents concerning the property, energy consumption, history of work, etc.), in a preliminary technical and financial feasibility study, in the financial arrangements and application for any subsidies, and in the coordination of the various parties involved (design offices, works companies, insurance companies, etc.)
The different missions of the DAE :
- – Visual inspection (characteristics of the building, pathologies, uses)
- – Regulatory audit
- – Interviews with the occupants
- – Urgent matters to be dealt with
- – Summary costing
- Who carries it out?
An energy architect: a qualified architect with specific qualifications to carry out the regulatory energy audit, or a team of architects and a thermal design office.
When should it be done?
When the project is defined, and therefore before the consultation of companies and the start of the works.
The final report in 3 stages:
1. General (building identity card, main characteristics, type of occupation, energy data and systems, regulatory and legal analysis)
2. Diagnostics (architectural inventory, regulatory audit, summary)
3. Renovation scenarios (exit from energy sieve, substantial energy improvement, BBC renovation)
Content of the architectural diagnosis
– Architectural inventory (history, typologies, uses)
– Technical assessment (structural condition of the envelope, condition of the coverings and surfaces, visible pathologies)
What about other diagnostics?
Energy performance diagnosis

DPE and DAE are different and do not take place at the same time
The Energy Performance Diagnostic (DPE) allows an assessment of the situation of the dwelling, whereas the DAE is a preliminary stage in the renovation project which includes an energy audit.
It enables the energy and climate performance of a dwelling to be assessed thanks to a label that provides information on
– the energy consumption of the building
– the building’s greenhouse gas emissions
The DPE label gives a grade from A to G to a dwelling. Energy classes A and B represent the least energy-intensive dwellings and classes F and G represent the worst dwellings in terms of consumption, also known as ” energy strainer”.
In the case of a rental, the ECD informs the future tenant about the consumption of his home.
Since 1 January 2023, the hunt is on for “energy strainer”. All dwellings with an energy performance diagnosis of G+, i.e. dwellings whose energy consumption exceeds 450kWh per m² per year, are banned from being rented.
Timetable for the bans:
- – 1 January 2023: ban on letting G+ dwellings
- – 1 January 2025: ban on letting all G+ dwellings
- – 1 January 2028: ban on letting all F dwellings
- – 1 January 2034: ban on letting all E
Global technical diagnosis
It concerns buildings and condominiums.
The global technical diagnosis (DTG) informs co-owners about the overall technical condition of the building and lists the work to be carried out.
The contents of the DTG must be presented at the first general meeting of co-owners following the completion of this document or its revision.
It is compulsory for a building that is more than 10 years old and that has been put into joint ownership. This is the case when a building is newly divided into several lots.
The administration can ask the syndic to present the DTG when the building presents disorders (for example, the building is unhealthy or in danger) to check the state of good use and safety of the common parts.

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