Our identity
Our story
Domolis has been active since 2022. Under the impetus of Louis Donnet, an architect by training, it was created with the aim of offering global support and providing customized solutions to those involved in the low-carbon and resilient transformation of cities: local authorities, investors, companies and citizens.
The activity brings together the fields of architecture, real estate and urban planning to provide a comprehensive vision of project development issues.
Based in Paris but active throughout France and internationally. Our locations of intervention :

The founder

« I chose to establish my own advisory firm because I am committed to participating in the, resilient and sustainable, transformation of our cities and territories, which are places of social exchange, personal growth, production of knowledge and know-how. And, the purpose of Domolis is to make possible the making of living places, useful, beautiful, universal, and full of benefits for everybody… »
Our engagements

Virtuous value creation
Balance between economic and extra-financial values in the balance sheet of urban and real estate operations

Agile pragmatism
A dynamic and transparent approach to achieving the objectives set with a methodology adapted to the expectations and constraints of project owners

Collective intelligence
Collective emulation thanks to the project mode, taking into account all the stakeholders and dealing with all the prerogatives

Sustainable experimentation
Ongoing exploration of new ways of making the city and the territory that are environmentally friendly and socially acceptable.

Reasoned technology
Use of technology as an aid to decision making and action, giving priority to human intelligence as the driving force behind the development process